A Note on the Validity of Cross-Validation for Evaluating Autoregressive Time Series Prediction

Um bom artigo sobre a aplicação de Cross Validation em séries temporais.

Abstract: One of the most widely used standard procedures for model evaluation in classification and regression is K-fold cross-validation (CV). However, when it comes to time series forecasting, because of the inherent serial correlation and potential non-stationarity of the data, its application is not straightforward and often omitted by practitioners in favour of an out-of-sample (OOS) evaluation. In this paper, we show that in the case of a purely autoregressive model, the use of standard K-fold CV is possible as long as the models considered have uncorrelated errors. Such a setup occurs, for example, when the models nest a more appropriate model. This is very common when Machine Learning methods are used for prediction, where CV in particular is suitable to control for overfitting the data. We present theoretical insights supporting our arguments. Furthermore, we present a simulation study and a real-world example where we show empirically that K-fold CV performs favourably compared to both OOS evaluation and other time-series-specific techniques such as non-dependent cross-validation.

Conclusions: In this work we have investigated the use of cross-validation procedures for time series prediction evaluation when purely autoregressive models are used, which is a very common situation; e.g., when using Machine Learning procedures for time series forecasting. In a theoretical proof, we have shown that a normal K-fold cross-validation procedure can be used if the residuals of our model are uncorrelated, which is especially the case if the model nests an appropriate model. In the Monte Carlo experiments, we have shown empirically that even if the lag structure is not correct, as long as the data are fitted well by the model, cross-validation without any modification is a better choice than OOS evaluation. We have then in a real-world data example shown how these findings can be used in a practical situation. Cross-validation can adequately control overfitting in this application, and only if the models underfit the data and lead to heavily correlated errors, are the cross-validation procedures to be avoided as in such a case they may yield a systematic underestimation of the error. However, this case can be easily detected by checking the residuals for serial correlation, e.g., using the Ljung-Box test.
