Ética Estóica para agentes artificiais

E não é que adaptaram a filosofia estóica para a Inteligência Artificial?

Stoic Ethics for Artificial Agents - Gabriel Murray

Abstract: We present a position paper advocating the notion that Stoic philosophy and ethics can inform the development of ethical A.I. systems. This is in sharp contrast to most work on building ethical A.I., which has focused on Utilitarian or Deontological ethical theories. We relate ethical A.I. to several core Stoic notions, including the dichotomy of control, the four cardinal virtues, the ideal Sage, Stoic practices, and Stoic perspectives on emotion or affect. More generally, we put forward an ethical view of A.I. that focuses more on internal states of the artificial agent rather than on external actions of the agent. We provide examples relating to near-term A.I. systems as well as hypothetical superintelligent agents.

Conclusions: In this position paper, we have attempted to show how Stoic ethics could be applied to the development of ethical A.I. systems. We argued that internal states matter for ethical A.I. agents, and that internal states can be analyzed by describing the four cardinal Stoic virtues in terms of characteristics of an intelligent system. We also briefly described other Stoic practices and how they could be realized by an A.I. agent. We gave a brief sketch of how to start developing Stoic A.I. systems by creating approval-directed agents with Stoic overseers, and/or by employing a syncretic paramedic ethics algorithm with a step featuring Stoic constraints. While it can be beneficial to analyze the ethics of an A.I. agent from several different perspectives, including consequentialist perspectives, we have argued for the importance of also conducting a Stoic ethical analysis of A.I. agents, where the agent’s internal states are analyzed, and moral judgments are not based on consequences outside of the agent’s control.