Gradient Boosted Trees Model no Microsoft R Server

Direto do Revolutions Blog

R is an open source, statistical programming language with millions of users in its community. However, a well-known weakness of R is that it is both single threaded and memory bound, which limits its ability to process big data. With Microsoft R Server (MRS), the enterprise grade distribution of R for advanced analytics, users can continue to work in their preferred R environment with following benefits: the ability to scale to data of any size, potential speed increases of up to one hundred times faster than open source R.

In this article, we give a walk-through on how to build a gradient boosted tree using MRS. We use a simple fraud data data set having approximately 1 million records and 9 columns. The last column “fraudRisk” is the tag: 0 stands for non-fraud and 1 stands for fraud. The following is a snapshot of the data.