Melhores papers de Deep Learning de 2012 até 2016

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1. Understanding / Generalization / Transfer

Distilling the knowledge in a neural network (2015), G. Hinton et al. [pdf]

2. Optimization / Training Techniques

Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift (2015), S. Loffe and C. Szegedy [pdf]

3. Unsupervised / Generative Models

Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (2015), A. Radford et al. [pdf]

4. Convolutional Neural Network Models

Deep residual learning for image recognition (2016), K. He et al. [pdf]

5. Image: Segmentation / Object Detection

Fast R-CNN (2015), R. Girshick [pdf]

6. Image / Video / Etc.

Show and tell: A neural image caption generator (2015), O. Vinyals et al. [pdf]

7. Natural Language Processing / RNNs

Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation (2014), K. Cho et al. [pdf]

8. Speech / Other Domain

Speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks (2013), A. Graves [pdf]

9. Reinforcement Learning / Robotics

Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning (2015), V. Mnih et al. [pdf]

10. More Papers from 2016

Domain-adversarial training of neural networks (2016), Y. Ganin et al. [pdf]