Metáforas Estratégicas com Futebol

Um pequeno trecho do que o Matthew Hurst está planejando para o seu livro:

[…] When attacking, you always have a little more time to set up a shot. I see less experienced players who, when the ball is at their feet and the goal is available to them, panic and shoot. The lack of preparation often means the shot is misfired, the ball goes off target and the opponent gains possession. You always have more time than you think because you know something the defender doesn’t - which is precisely when you are going to shoot. Every moment you prepare improves your chances and keeps them guessing.

When defending, take time away from the attacker. I see this rather awkward movement of a defender standing their ground and moving backwards at the same speed as the attacker. You are giving the attacker that extra time. By taking the time away from the them - by aiming to take the ball aggressively - you force their hand (foot).

Own the direction of attack - you’re dribbling the ball and a defender runs back to protect the goal; they are running in front of you watching the ball; you dribble left, they turn left to follow - you turn right, they turn right to follow - they will never gain ownership of the direction of attack and you simply have to decide how long to run them around before shooting.

Use your brain not your legs - the fastest thing on the pitch is the ball. It is more efficient to pass to your team than to run, run, run. Your team needs the skill of making and owning space (options). Let the other team run.

Core competencies are not optional (here I’m talking above my station) - running, trapping the ball and passing are some of the basics of football. It is surprising that some players I see have trouble with these basics, including running (running efficiently is a learned skill). […]